Hi everybody, It has been snowing all day long and tonight there is about 10 cm snow laying on the soil... Look at the pictures just below ! Rennes under the snow. How beautiful it is ! Everything is white and we almost cannot make the difference between the soil and the sky.

How pleasant it was to walk in the streets covered with snow, looking at the white roofs of the half-timbered houses...

Yesterday, it was Mozart's 250th birthday. I went with my sister to some concerts, there was the Requiem too. We had a nice evening and met some people who were sharing the same interests.

Tonight, I hope Mozart is enjoying the way we celebrated his brithday all around the world !!
Have a good night !
Have a good night !
1 comment:
Oh yeah, effectivment très plaisant cet épisode neigeux, et très agréable de fouler la poudreuse juste devant chez nous.....très déroutant aussi.
J'espere que ce marathon fut à la hauteur de vos espérances, et que vous avez pu suivre le rythme...dommage qu'on se soit pas parlé hier soir, je le regrette amèrement, vous êtes partis trop tôt, moi je veux encore parler avec Martine, et l'écouter surtout ;-))
Bon, peut-être on va réussir à se capter dans la soirée.....I hope (I'm good at english....so....bla blablablabla)
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