Friday, February 22, 2008
le massage du siècle (anglicisme)
Vient alors cette reflexion sur le temps. Qu'est ce qu'un an, à part 30 metres de film plastique? Ca peut être l'Année avec un grand A qui chamboule tout. Imaginez le jour de la mise au point de l'écriture. Le tout premier homme à écrire était-il aussi conscient de la grandeur de sa découverte pour l'humanité tout entière que moi conscient de ma découverte 1 an = 30m de film transparent? Sans doute lui aussi était tout penaud. Et encore plus penaud je suis lorsque je regarde l'écriture phénicienne et le premier alphabet, y voit une ressemblance avec l'abjad hebreu, lequel ressemble à l'abjad arabe tout naturellement, dans le nom et les sonorités des consonnes et l'utilisation des diacritiques. Bref, c'est en fait une fascination, c'est le mot. L'humanité comme elle s'est construite à partir des hiéroglyphes égyptiens en passant par le démotique et le hiératique, me fascine. Et c'est tellement fou tous ces liens historiques que je m'en émoustille encore tout entier.
Monday, February 18, 2008
Israeli-palestinian conflict... what to think?
What happened is a bit the following: there have always been people living there (I deliberately don't talk about religions right now, because in fact do we really care who exactly lived there 300 or 2000 years ago? Just follow the train of thought). Before the Second World war, up to 30% of the population in Palestine were Jews, mainly settlers coming back to the "Holy Land", following the Zionist movement. Then, because of antisemitism in Europe, many Jews fled and many of them came to Palestine. The problem comes out here: the UN were faced to 2 populations wanting their autonomy, since at the same time the British Empire left the region. The idea was to create two religion-based countries Cisjordan and Israel with the same capital city, Jerusalem. This is what is also called the two country solution. But is it a real solution, since population is quite mixed up in real facts. 20% of the population living in Israel are Muslims, and they probably were even more before politicians drove away families of other religion to the borders.
Is it a good idea to build a country on religious aspects? Isn't it finally the instrument of religious wars? A kind of nationalism with religious imprint ?
One thing is clear: we have to think of a solution that encompasses the current situation. So all prior settlements or population flows are facts of history and it is over.
I've been thinking of a silly solution to the problem. Why not to say, we have two countries with the same borders, any point in Israel is also a point of Cisjordan or Palestine. People just have to choose which nationality they want to have, but they all live inside of the same borders and all live in all cities. Cities are then led by municipal councils of both countries, seating altogether in parliaments. Isn't it silly but finally a new approach too? It is as if Geneva was French and Swiss at the same time, and people choose which country they want to belong to. As if Südtirol was Austrian and Italian at the same time. This would for sure make many people there very happy. So why not make people in Israel and Palestine happy too ?
Some economic facts: the living in Israel is approximately like in Europe. In Palestine, GNP is 27 times lower than in Israel, 50% of the population is unemployed. Why don't we talk more about this on television? This is in fact the real problem there. Economy. When people cannot have a decent way of living, they just have anger left. We often think the big deal for Middle-East is negotiations for peace. It is true, but only a sufficient condition. Necessary condition is better economy.
I'm quite sure, many people in Israel and Palestine don't even know why there is a conflict there (I need you to express yourself here too! What is your opinion?). If we want them to look into the future, they have to live with hope for a better life, and more than this, politicians have to provide conditions for the "new deal" there. So, stop fighting, stop propaganda, and start gathering energy to build a new society of tolerance!
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Musik zum Entspannen: der Virtuose Philippe Jaroussky
Il vient le 18 avril au Theater an der Wien !! Ca y est j'ai deja ma carte !!! Vive internet! Bin scho gspannt! Hourra !!! Klasse !!!
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Aufarbeitung nach dem 2. Weltkrieg
Bref, pour rappeler au Monde le message de paix qui unit chaque habitant sur la planète, rien de tel que deux extraits du "Great Dictator" de Charlie Chaplin.