Last Sunday, we prepared a succulent dish with 2 friends: an italian risotto ai funghi, in fact with Japanese mushrooms called Shiitake. It was delicious, and I was quite impressed I must say, to see WE can do such a dish so easily... After eating, we went to the theater to see Wallenstein from Schiller (Second time for me, a great moment of German Literature). 4 hours of "kaiserian" treason but is it really a treason or not? The poor Wallenstein was killed anyway, that's what happened before when the Kaiser said: "es ist mein Wille"!

It seems that intentions alone are powerful enough to limit ones options. Well, at least the Kaiser limited Wallenstein's options in the end ...
Whatever, the Meinl am Graben is really selling Ricard. Thank you so much for your hint!!! Finally, a source for the stuff I love!
Danke Gerold für deinen Kommentär! I freu mi scho auf das nächste Mal, vielleicht mit einem Glas Ricard, gell ?!! ;-)
Marrant, j'ai le jeu de société "Wallenstein", c'est un jeu de territoires sur le thème de la guerre de trente ans en Allemagne. Est-ce que ça a un rapport avec cette pièce de théâtre ?
oui oui grave un rapport, la pièce de théâtre, c'est Wallenstein qui cherche à imposer la paix avec les Suédois and Co, contre la volonté du Kaiser autrichien de continuer la guerre.
hmmm ça a l'air trop bon!
bisous :) sophie (pallarès)
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